My LovEly FolloWeRs

Tabung Pengajian Sue..sila derma klik anda disini..thanks,..

Friday, March 18, 2011

Interview Session

i'd been chose to be one of the candidates for interview session by LPQB this coming sunday (20 March 2011)...feel superb nervous..i shud attend 2 law and evidence law..i was totally lost memories about the company due to stdy this subject 2 years ago...seems odd coz I'd been choose for this subject instead of there are many others ppl that brilliant enuf than me. ...i can bears for evidence law..cause its still fresh in my mind..i juz need a little revision on it..right now i feel slouching to study..i need to cover company law 1 and 2 and same goes to could i remember all those things in 2 days?? we were study this subject for 2 semester but by hook of crook i shud study this subject for 2 days and memories all of principles and cases..its sound impossible & ridiculous right??its made me crazy and life totally  miserable at this moments..this week is very hectic..i have a few assignments that need to be submit by this week and also this interview..

i feel really awkward to standing before the heart will beat faster than i run 200km/j..hee..its ok..i'll do my best and its also for our coming future.we're lawyer going to be...all of us pray that law course from uum will be totally recognize and no mores condition to be fulfill before we reading the chambering period. .for those who will sit for interview session..i pray uols super duper triple big ur best among the best..gambate..chayok2..

for the safer and sake of everyone..lets continue my studies...=)

p/s:if i cant answers qn given do apologize me..and mybe i juz give a nice n sweet sour smile to interviewer..heee..=)

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